Preventing Child Abuse & Neglect

How You Can Prevent Child Abuse & Neglect

KIDS Place Serving Macon & Graham Counties
Despite the statistics, child abuse and neglect are preventable. State and local governments, community organizations, and private citizens take action every day to protect children. You can help, too. Research shows that parents and caregivers who have support—from family, friends, neighbors, and their communities—are more likely to provide safe and healthy homes for their children. When parents lack this support or feel isolated, they may be more likely to make poor decisions that can lead to neglect or abuse. Increasingly, concerned citizens and organizations are realizing that the best way to prevent child maltreatment is to help parents develop the skills and identify the resources they need to understand and meet their children’s emotional, physical, and developmental needs and protect their children from harm.

Help Parents You Know

  • Support parent education programs at your school or facility
  • Use positive discipline techniques
  • Support groups for single parents
  • Promote positive play interaction between parents and children
  • Reach out to parents who are struggling
  • Offer to help parents you know who are or might be under stress
  • Stay with the children while the parents take a break
  • Offer positive encouragement when you see a parent interacting positively with their child
  • Help parents talk with their children about safety issues
Child Abuse Prevention Franklin NC

Help Yourself: If You Are A Parent Under Stress ...

  • Ask for help
  • Learn about positive discipline
  • Learn about child development
  • Talk with other parents or join a parenting group
  • Act When You See A Child Mistreated in Public
  • Engage the parent and be sympathetic
  • Call the manager if you believe a child is in danger or call the local authorities yourself
  • Volunteer At a Child Abuse Prevention Program
  • Contact KIDS Place at 828 524-3199
  • Contact your local library or referral center for volunteer programs in your area
Child Neglect Prevention Franklin NC

Report Suspected Abuse and Neglect ...

  • Advocate for Services for Families
  • Initiate or Support Public Awareness Activities
  • Participate in activities during April, “Child Abuse Prevention Month”
  • Contact Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina at 1-800-CHILDREN
  • Contact KIDS Place at 828 524-3199
  • Make a Contribution to a Child Abuse Prevention Program
Kids Place Child Advocacy Center Franklin NC

Encourage people in your community to:

  • Advocate for policies in the workplace that are family friendly
  • Be a mentor to neighborhood youth
  • Help form an after-school “Safe House” for children in your neighborhood
  • Offer a helping hand to single parents or families under stress in your neighborhood
  • Intervene when you see a child being mistreated in public
  • Find ways to educate your community about the respect children need and deserve
Present Child Abuse Macon and Graham Counties

The Faith Community’s Role in Child Abuse Prevention

  • Copy and distribute materials on child abuse prevention
  • Offer respite care to congregation members in need of short-term relief
  • Provide information on child development and community resources during counseling sessions
  • Share information on how to report child abuse and neglect in church bulletins and newsletters
  • Train spiritual leaders to recognize the signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect
  • Work with families and make appropriate referrals
  • Celebrate children and families by hosting a “Children’s Day”
  • Donate space for parent support groups or parent education programs
You Can Prevent Child Abuse

Business’ Role in Child Abuse Prevention

  • Contact Kids Place about hosting a Pinwheels for Prevention garden during April, Child Abuse Prevention Month
  • Invite a child welfare worker to speak at a company function
  • Encourage employees to donate their time to child abuse prevention programs by offering paid leave for volunteer activities
  • Encourage the company to make a contribution to a non-profit child abuse prevention agency
  • Examine your business to see if it is ” Family Friendly.” Do policies allow parents to make their children a priority?
Report Child Abuse Franklin NC

Get the Local Media Involved in Child Abuse Prevention

  • Contact a prevention agency for story ideas, interviews, and information on child abuse prevention
  • Profile community leaders, teachers, and parents who take an active role in child abuse prevention in “people who make a difference stories”
  • Develop news stories educating the public about the effects of child abuse and neglect
  • Follow tragic news stories about child abuse with stories on how to prevent similar tragedies in the future
  • Donate print space or airtime for child abuse prevention messages
  • Publicize local businesses efforts to participate in child abuse awareness activities
Report Child Abuse and Neglect Macon County NC

Advocate for Children

  • Vote
  • Support public figures who support programs that protect children
  • Encourage lawmakers to support legislation that strengthens families and protects children
  • Write to your legislators and let them know that child abuse is an issue they should care about
  • Get involved with KIDS Place and other organizations that support child abuse prevention
Report Child Abuse and Neglect Graham County NC