Disclosure of Child Abuse

KIDS Place ... Serving Macon and Graham Counties

KIDS Place exists to make the investigative and judicial process easier for the children and to insure that all child abuse victims in Macon and Graham Counties have access to quality counseling services, at no cost, for as long as the child needs the service.

What to Do if a Child Tells You They Have Been Abused or Neglected?

If a child tells you they have been abused it is very important that you remain calm and nonjudgmental. Find a private place to talk with the child. The child may have a variety of emotions when speaking with you such as: feeling ashamed, being angry or scared that you won't believe them.

You should assure the child that you believe them and convey that you will do something to keep them safe.

See below for a list of Do's and Don'ts if a child chooses to confide in you.

DO's and DON'Ts of Talking to a Victim of Abuse

Talking to a Victim of Child Abuse


  • - Let the child do the talking
  • - Let the child tell you, in their own words, what happened
  • - Give the child your undivided attention
  • - Ask for clarification if the child uses words that are not familiar
  • - Acknowledge the child’s feelings
  • - Take notes and try to report quotes from the child
Disclosure of Child Abuse Macon and Graham Counties NC


- Interrogate the child
- Probe or press for answers
- Suggest answers
- Interrupt their story
- Ask “why” questions
- Ask leading questions (such as yes or no questions)